Back in the spring of 2011, our youngest son, Karl, called a family meeting with my husband Jim, our oldest son Zac and myself, Peggy. For the past decade, Karl has worked in the alcohol business and just loves the challenge and the work. He wanted to know what we thought about starting up a business distilling vodka. He figured between the 4 of us, we would be up to the task, for everyone has their special talents which would be needed. So we took a vote and Hendricks Family Distillery was born!

Jim, along with the help of friends and family members, put the structure up. We were blessed with an extremely warm winter, which is very unusual for Wisconsin. In fact, we were putting the roof on the building on Christmas eve day!
Karl designed the plant. Between Jim & Zac, they built whatever Karl wanted such as the stills, tanks and filters. Peggy applied for all the permits. The last permit was sent out the end of September, 2012 which was for the bottle approval. It was finally approved the last week in January 2013.
Pure Class Potato Vodka is naturally gluten free. We distill multiple times until we achieve at least 192 Proof Alcohol. The higher percentage, the smoother the vodka is. We are very proud to offer such a high quality product.
General Beverage distributes Pure Class Vodka to the state of Wisconsin. They are very excited about our product and we feel very privileged to be working with them.
When you are out and about, be sure to ask for some Pure Class Vodka. Then please visit our Facebook page and let us know what you think!
Tours Are Welcome! Please call 920-379-4515 to set a time up to come out and visit!